Chameleon Ears™
Chameleon Ears™
Chameleon Ears™
Our Chameleon Ears™ Series comes in a standard, solid earplug. We create an imprint of your ear with a specially designed putty and catalyst. Our laboratory uses these impressions to create a 3D print of your ear canal and outer ear. You can add customizations to your Chameleon Ears™ earplugs, including: Bluetooth Capability • Microphone • MFE Filter • DECf Filter •
Pop-Stopper™ • Metal Detectable Implant • Hear Defender® Technology •
DECi Impulse Filter • Acoustic Filter
Electronic Series
Our partners at E.A.R. Inc. offer amazing electronic options, which they create in their laboratory. Their audiological experts crafted high technology sound boosters, which allow you to hear certain frequencies while protecting your ears from dangerous decibels. Some of these require you to visit an audiologist to ensure your earplugs fit your specific needs. **The cost of the audiologist visit is not included in the price.
Electronic Series
Electronic Series
Insta-Molds are our most popular product. We create them "On-The-Spot." Our staff uses a special silicone to create a custom mold of your ear canal and outer ear. This ensures your earplugs fit perfectly! And you can add customizations too: Bluetooth capable lanyards, acoustic filters, and you can choose up to two colors!